Over the course of this past year, I have accomplished more than I could imagine, this wouldn’t be possible without the generous help from MVYouth. In 2024 I graduated from the University of Connecticut with an associate's degree in Animal Science, where I learned some of my true passions in life. During this time I joined my college's western team for horseback riding, an outing club that involved me in off-campus trips such as hiking up Mount Washington and skiing up at Smugglers Notch. During my college experience, I made some unforgettable connections and memories that I will get to share for a lifetime. After graduating college, I went on to work in the veterinary field and apply what I learned with my degree and made great relations with clients and fellow coworkers. My love for animals goes quite farther than what’s seen from the outside. I grew up with this love ever since I was a little girl, and I’m beyond thankful for the opportunities that MVYouth has given me. Post-graduation I have not only stuck a job of my dreams but have traveled quite a bit since, which is another true passion of mine. Since graduating, I have traveled to Grenada, Catskills, New York, visited family up in Vermont, and got to travel up to New Hampshire with some of my great friends I made through college. Although this is a brief insight into my life now, I can’t wait to keep sharing my experiences through what this scholarship has offered to me. I can’t thank all of you enough for how much you all have changed my life for the better.
Michaela Benefit - University of Connecticut
Connecticut were amazing. I ended my spring semester with a study abroad program in South Africa studying track and sign of the native species on the reserve. This was an amazing program and I made so many memories and learned so much! While I was in Africa we didn't have our phones, which allowed us to be fully in-tune with our studies and really take in the beauty that surrounded us. I made so many new friends through this program and it truly changed my life. Coming back to the states I landed a landscaping job on the Vineyard for the summer and worked very hard. I learned a lot of new skills and met so many new people. The summer was coming to an end and the fall semester was starting. I moved off campus this semester and it was one of the best decisions I could have made. Some of the roommates are from my study abroad program and we all get along so well! This past semester I took a lot of general education classes which are needed for my major to ensure that I graduate in the spring of this upcoming semester. Some memorable events that happened this fall semester were that I joined the University of Connecticut western team and competed all around New England, I’m also still in my outing club group in my school and we are planning a skiing trip up to smugglers notch in January, and I also met a lot of new friends through all these experiences and I’m so thankful for this opportunity that was given to me by MVYouth. This scholarship has really helped me in creating new connections with people and around the world. I am so excited to see what's to come in my last semester at University of Connecticut and my future after graduation!
Michaela Benefit - University of Connecticut
My first fall semester at University of Connecticut was one to remember, it started off with getting into a hands on program through the school that let me fulfill my education while also working in person with the animals on campus. This past semester I enjoyed all the classes I enrolled in, especially my Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals class. On campus I have joined my Outing Club, which has led me to new opportunities and memories. One trip that really stood out to me was, when I recently hiked up Mount Washington. In the future I will be joining the Outing Club on our annual ski trip to Smugglers Notch up in Vermont. I have also been placed in a learning community in my dorm building which has surrounded me with like minded individuals who enjoy learning about similar subjects as me. My learning community is Eco House, they strive to keep campus green and get involved with community service. Since being involved with Eco House I have made friendships, connected with the campus community, and learned new information through our weekly meetups during class. Some key points to my first semester at college were making life-long friendships, winning my little I competition with my horse, The UC Diplomat, going on spontaneous trips with my new friends, and doing amazing in all my classes. Overall, I have acquired new skills and lessons through not only my classes at University of Connecticut but also through my new relationships with friends and professors, which in the long run will help me achieve my career goals. Lastly, I would like to give a thanks to all the donors that made these experiences happen, I deeply appreciate all that you do for everyone involved with the MVYouth scholarship, you all truly help make life-changing experiences, thank you for all that you do.
Michaela Benefit - University of Connecticut
To say the least, my fall was one to remember. In the beginning, I had still been working my three summer jobs and pursuing my current hobby horseback riding. I was super excited to start my gap year and to travel in my car, until I broke my leg. I had to receive two major surgeries, 8 screws, and a plate to put my leg back in place. I tried not to look at this as a setback but as a time to think out what I wanted to do with my travels. So obviously I spontaneously booked a flight to the U.S. Virgin Islands for mid-March. Since I had so much spare time on my hands I also started to buy equipment to build out my car. In the meantime, I have been recovering over the past three months, and now I'm almost back to 100%! Since late November, I’ve been cleared to walk again, and ever since I've been outside as much as possible, going on hikes, driving down to the beach, and shooting some photography. I have gone on two trips up to Connecticut to visit family and help out at our garden center. It’s always so nice to see family. Since covid hit I had not gotten to see them that much, but I am very thankful that it isn't too long of a drive. I am excited to finally be able to start building out my car and exploring the U.S! I cannot even begin to say how extremely thankful I am for the opportunity that MVYouth has given me. It opened up new opportunities, memories, and so much more. I am so excited to finally get the chance to do some things that I am excited about. Thank you for all that you do. Until next time!