Sam Bresnick - Boston College

This past fall I enrolled at Wake Forest University School of Law in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. The first semester was intense and challenging, but I loved the process of it. I really enjoyed the class discussions, the professors, and the community at Wake. The first semester I had Torts, Contracts, and Criminal law, and this upcoming semester I am finishing up the rest of my doctrinal and taking Civil Procedure, Property, and Constitutional Law. This experience has been eye-opening, and with that my career aspirations have changed. There are many different career paths that I am open to and a wide range of practice areas that I am interested in. I am going to use my time here to explore those different options. Currently, I'm looking to either intern with government agencies in Washington D.C. or in Boston, or clerking for a judge over the summer months. Whatever I end up doing I have no doubt the experience will be rewarding, and am excited to see what opportunities are ahead. With that, I am grateful for the help that MVYouth has given me, and appreciative of the work that MVYouth continues to do in helping the Island community. I cannot thank you enough!

Sam Bresnick - Boston College

This past year I began working at Proskauer Rose in the Boston office. I also took the LSAT over the summer and finished my applications to law school. I applied mainly to schools in the New York City and Boston area. Currently, I am awaiting admissions decisions. My time at Proskauer has been eye opening. It has given me exposure to many different fields of law including sports, corporate and real estate. Getting to see these different practice areas at the ground level has helped shape my career goals. I’ve gotten the opportunity to explore my interest in sports law where I’ve been able to learn about some of the pressing issues in the world of sports like AI use in marketing, Name, Image and Likeness (NIL) and TV/Media rights, to name a few. Building off of the work I did with Boston College Football during my undergrad years, I’ve found that I would like to work with and advise league governing bodies and institutions, like the NCAA, in navigating the constantly changing legal landscape of sports. I am looking forward to going back to school this upcoming fall and am excited for all the challenges that lie ahead. I am appreciative of the opportunity to continue learning about my passions and all the relationships I will make along the way. I cannot thank MVYouth enough for the work they do in supporting the Island community. Thank you.

Sam Bresnick - Boston College

Upon graduating from Boston College this past May, I started working at Brown Brothers Harriman in Boston. In my role as a Client Account Manager, I service our clients (other banks and investment firms) by managing their respective funds. The funds that I work on are either private debt or private equity funds. My main tasks are to handle the accounting of the funds and to calculate monthly or quarterly NAV estimates for each fund. These tasks,among others, are all done with the end goal of generating and providing quarterly Financial Statements for each fund. Prior to this job I had a basic understanding of how PE funds operated. This job has provided me with an in depth look of how private equity and private debt funds operate. I have also gotten the opportunity to see the process of setting up funds and launching these funds. I found that this is the part of my job that I enjoy the most. Fund structure, the purpose behind that structure and the investment patterns of each fund are some aspects that I am excited to learn about as I continue to grow in this role. Currently my goal is to attend law school in the next two years with a focus on fund formation/fund set up. Thank you to MVYouth and the work you all do to support and provide opportunities for Island students to pursue their passions.

Samuel Bresnick - Boston College

After finishing up the first semester of senior year, I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. I have been fortunate enough to have all my classes be in-person as well as living on campus again. One of my favorite classes from this past semester was Rhetorical Traditions. In this class we learned about and discussed theories of rhetoric spanning from ancient civilizations to the present day. We went in depth on the role that rhetoric plays in society, as well as the important part that ethics has in the analysis of rhetoric. I found the class material to be relevant to our society today and I enjoyed engaging in our class discussions. I also took Corporate Finance and Investments which furthered my understanding of these topics for my minor in Finance. Going into my final semester I am taking both International Finance and International Trade to complete the requirements for my major in Economics as well as my minor in Finance. I have also continued to be a part of both BC Bigs as well as working in the Scouting & Personnel Department for BC Football. For BC Bigs I was able to meet with my “Little” Adrian for the first time in-person since the outbreak of the pandemic. I appreciate getting to spend time with him and I hope to continue to be in touch even after I graduate. This past season for football was an exciting one. Since people were allowed back into Alumni Stadium for games, I was able to work on the sidelines and have gameday responsibilities. In this past recruiting cycle, one of the commits was a player that I found. Doing this work is a passion of mine and I am thankful to have the chance to do so. These experiences are incredibly valuable to me and I would like to thank MVYouth for the work that they do to help give Island students the opportunity to pursue their passions.

Samuel Bresnick - Boston College

This past semester has presented many new challenges, with both the pandemic as well as academics. Fortunately at Boston College, they allowed many classes to be taught in-person in a hybrid format, where half the class is in-person and half is on Zoom. Luckily for me my classes were in a hybrid format. These classes introduced me to a new perspective as well as different ways of thinking. For example, I took Sacred Pages: The Bible, which is a class required to fulfill BC’s theology core. This class discussed the texts from the Bible and applied them to topics that are relevant in our society today. Analyzing how different groups of people would interpret these texts, and develop an understanding of how this influences different societies around the world. My favorite class was Econometrics Method, providing an intense, in-depth look at testing the predictions of economic theory, covering a wide range of topics including, multiple regressions, multicollinearity and heteroskedasticity. In addition we discussed how to analyze these regressions and how to adjust what we are testing in order to give us the most accurate and reliable results. This upcoming spring semester I am enrolling in both Environmental Economics and Public Finance to continue my track as an Econ major with a minor in Finance. I am grateful that I decided to go back to BC because even though it was challenging I was presented with many fulfilling and memorable experiences. This past year I continued to be a part of BC Bigs as well working in the Scouting & Personnel Department of the BC Football Team. Through BC Bigs I was able to continue to build my relationship with Adrian from last year, which was very important to me. Although we haven’t been able to meet in person, BC Bigs has held all of the meetings over Zoom, so I am still able to spend time with him for a couple hours over the weekend. As for working in the BC Football Department, it has given me an incredible opportunity and valuable experience for a potential profession on the front office side of football. Most of my time when I am not in class or doing school work, I am watching film of high school and college players across the country. I’ve been assigned a position group as well as a region in the country to look for potential recruits for BC. This has offered me the opportunity to work with coaches and personnel within BC Football Dept. to discuss evaluations on prospective players. This work is very time consuming, but I love it and it is something that I really enjoy doing. I am incredibly grateful for the work that MVYouth does to make these experiences possible for me and other Island students like me. Thank you.

Samuel Bresnick - Boston College


Fall semester Sophomore year has been nothing short of exciting, offering me new insight into topics that were new to me, giving me a more in depth look into potential career paths. For example, “Philosophy of the Person” exposed me to the teachings of Plato, St. Augustine, Socrates and many more. We had many class discussions tackling questions like “Is evil a necessity in the World?” I enjoyed debating topics in class and felt I gained a valuable skill in constructing arguments and finding supporting facts to help prove my point of view. My most challenging and rewarding class was “Thinking about Law and Economics,” it was conducted in a seminar style in which the students drove the discussions. We explored how economic theories apply to positive and normative analyses of laws, legal issues and legal systems. Introducing the idea of behavioral economics challenging the traditional neoclassical way of analyzing these issues. The class illustrated the use of behavioral economics in making decisions when it pertains to law and policy. This class was a great stepping stone in providing me some insight into the possibilities of what a major in economics can offer. This past semester, I joined BC Bigs, which is affiliated with Big Brother Big Sister. As a student mentor, I was paired up with a “Little,” and given the opportunity to develop a special bond and relationship. My Little’s name is Adrian, he is 7 years old and from Dorchester. I was fortunate enough to have the chance to meet his family and get the opportunity to spend time with him every weekend. He enjoys cheeseburgers and loves playing frisbee. I plan on continuing this experience during my time at Boston College. Overall, my experiences this year have allowed me to expand upon my passions as well as trying new things. I am very appreciative of all the support MVYouth has provided me. Thank you.

Samuel Bresnick - Boston College


My first semester at Boston College has given me some great experiences. Since August 1st, I’ve been working with the BC Football team as a student manager, working 30 plus hours a week. My responsibilities include practice everyday, working with a position group (Wide Receivers), and has given me first hand experience with the operations side of college football. Game days are really exciting and allow me to see the process and preparation for big games, like when ESPN College Gameday came to Chestnut Hill for a primetime matchup vs. Clemson.

I travel with the team for away games and have experienced electrifying college football atmospheres like Virginia Tech and Wake Forest. These are memorable moments. Getting the chance to experience and be part of college football has always been a dream of mine. BC is heading to the Servpro First Responders Bowl in Dallas, Texas. I will be traveling with the team, spending four days in Dallas getting ready for the game on December 26th.

Balancing my responsibilities as a student manager and taking five classes has kept me very busy and on a tight schedule. I have equally enjoyed my experiences in the classroom as well, and am taking a lot of interesting courses. I originally came to school undecided about what to major in, but that changed after I took Microeconomics. I enjoyed the class and find the topics thought-provoking and challenging. I've declared Economics as my major and plan on taking Macroeconomics and Econ Stats this spring semester. I also intend to join the sports department on the school newspaper. I am grateful for the help and support that MVYouth is providing me and my family. You have given me the chance to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity as well as pursue my passions.