Jack Crawford - Bowdoin College

This past semester at Bowdoin College has been an incredibly enriching and dynamic experience. I continued singing with the a cappella group, the Bowdoin Longfellows, and remained an active member of the rowing team, which has been a significant part of my life since freshman year. I continue to play piano and contribute to the Bowdoin music collective, a group that has inspired and supported my musical growth. One of the most exciting developments has been starting a band called Kaleidoscope, where I am the lead singer and guitarist. We’ve performed five times over the course of the semester including a performance for Bowdoin’s President Safa Zaki. I’ve also begun writing my own songs, and we’re eager to perform as a band during the spring semester. Academically, I’ve been focused on Italian and music courses, preparing to declare my major this winter, in music with a concentration in theory and composition, along with a minor in Italian. I am incredibly grateful for the continued support of MVYouth, as none of these opportunities would have been possible without it.

Jack Crawford - Bowdoin College

My first semester at Bowdoin College has been incredible. When I applied early decision last year, I never expected to love the school as much as I do, but Bowdoin is the perfect fit for me. Bowdoin's unique distribution requirements have allowed me to explore courses beyond my intended major. In my first semester, I took Italian and discovered a passion I plan to continue next semester. I also took an Astronomy course and a first-year writing seminar in Film Noir. The highlight of my semester was an advanced Theory and Composition course in songwriting, where our class collaboratively wrote and produced a full-length album. This hands-on experience honed my musical skills and fostered a deep sense of creative collaboration. Beyond the classroom, I joined the club rowing team and am excited to transition to varsity rowing this spring. I played piano for a Jazz Combo and sang with one of Bowdoin's all-male a cappella groups, the Longfellows. I joined Bowdoin’s Hillel to celebrate Hanukkah and other Jewish holidays. It’s amazing to have a Jewish community on campus. I have made some of my closest friends and formed deep connections with my professors which I will continue to foster throughout my four years. I love Bowdoin's small campus and living in Maine. The train in town makes everything easily accessible and has allowed me to explore Brunswick's surrounding towns. I am so grateful for MVYouth and their commitment to my Bowdoin education. The support paved the way for me to pursue my love of physics and music and the many opportunities Bowdoin provides. Reflecting on my first semester, it has exceeded my expectations. I am excited for the spring semester and so grateful for the generosity and support that MVYouth continues to provide.