Gerry Kane - New England Institute of Technology

My first term went by very fast and was full of excitement. It felt very nice to be able to get off the island and be around a different scenery for a change. It was a little hard to get used to. Once I started to make friends and get to know my classmates, time started to fly by. Being so closed to Providence has made it very easy to make new friends and life never get boring. It was very cool experience to learn and hear stories from my teachers who have been in the HVAC field for decades. It made learning so much easier because of how much knowledge they had to share. I made the right choice going to New England Tech! At NEIT learning is very hands on, which is where I strive. Being from Martha's Vineyard, it was very nice being able to see this from a different perspective. I have tried out some of the different clubs that New England Tech offers including the golf club, the intramural basketball league and pool club. I was worried about going to college because school was never my strong suite but with the amazing teachers here and all that NEIT has to offer has really made me enjoy being here, want to pay attention in class and get good grades. It was very easy to get used to college, I really enjoy my schedule. It gives me time to get all my homework done and still have time to enjoy life with friends. I can’t wait for the next semester to start I can only imagine the experiences that I will have!