Ana Kurelja - Wheaton College

I knew that this fall semester was the point where my education turns a corner and becomes real. Walking around the nursing wing of Wheaton College and seeing all the equipment and simulation labs had me so excited and also terrified. Nursing school is not an easy journey. You experience self-doubt, heartache when it comes to exams/grades, and more importantly the constant question of “ can I really do this?” My fall semester was full of bumps along the road, but how could it not be when you are learning how to keep a human being alive. During my semester I spent most of my days in the Nursing wing learning skills from something as small as hand washing and setting up sterile fields to injections and head to toe assessments. I took 6 classes during my semester, all of which contributed to my major of Nursing. Wheaton College has provided me with an amazing community and team of professors that has gotten me through this experience so far. I cannot express the countless times I have experienced going from tears of self-doubt in one of my professor's offices to jumping with joy once I have finally achieved a certain skill the correct way. It truly is an emotional rollercoaster, but at Wheaton college there has never been a time where I have felt I am in it alone. With all that has come of my fall semester, I am so happy to say that in the spring I will be able to bring the 30+ skills that I have learned into a real clinical setting. I will be going to Milford Regional Medical Center, to start my journey of helping others. I am so beyond grateful for the support and opportunities that Wheaton College has given me, and most of all so proud of myself for sticking with the major I have always dreamed of so that I am able to see my education turn the corner and become real.

Ana Kurelja - Wheaton College

So far, this past semester as a freshman at Wheaton College has been memorable. Starting in their new nursing program has been exciting and challenging in the best way. I spend a lot of my time completing work for the nursing program but never do I find myself not wanting to do it. I feel that I am always contributing to my future in some way. The level of support throughout my school and overload of friendship is amazing. This first semester has been a ton of new experiences but all where I have been guided and supported. I have learned anything from chemistry to wellness within nurses to the basics of nursing as a career. Growing up on Martha’s Vineyard then accelerating to Norton was thrilling. Norton is a small town that does not have much around which gave me the same kind of close knit feel that I had growing up. I have loved the new nature and places to explore when I am able to take breaks from my academics. I am so thankful for MVYouth and all the opportunities that it has given me. This semester I have learned so much being surrounded by a totally new environment, but I have also learned so much within myself. I can not wait for this new semester, and all the new experiences and classes that it will bring to me.