The school year started and I was full swing into the Providence College groove. I barely got to say bye to my parents and was already bombarded with the typical “where are you from?” and “what’s your major?” questions. Although I felt like I never had time to process anything due to the go go go of the first couple weeks, I still found myself upset and missing home. I love my roommates and they tried really hard to get me out of the room and to the various activities going on around campus. At this point school was picking up and I felt like I had finally gotten the hang of where things were on campus and I was starting to make different friendships. The third week of school I declared my double major and my minor, the work load definitely added up and I did feel like I was drowning for a good portion of the semester. But I kept telling myself that this is why I was here and that I needed to do this so I could be successful in my future career. Aside from school I tried out and became a part of the women’s club hockey team and through that I have made so many friends. I also am a part of Best Buddies and try to help out at the Special Olympics whenever I don’t have hockey. After Columbus Day I went back to school and tried to make the most of it until I would be back for Thanksgiving. I had friends visit me and I tried to get out there more. This past month I have fallen in love with Providence College and I don’t think I could ever see myself anywhere else. The school work is definitely challenging but my professors are so kind and helpful. I have also found a good groups of friends that I love to be around. PC is slowly becoming home and I can’t wait to go back next semester! I love Friartown!