Danielle Middleton - Howard University

After four years of hard work, I’m proud to share that I’ve graduated. Walking across the stage this past May was a moment of immense pride and gratitude. I felt proud to join the ranks of Howard University alumni in front of my friends and family, and deeply grateful for everyone who helped me reach this milestone. Over the summer, I worked as a youth development professional at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys and Girls Club, a place that has shaped me profoundly. With these past seven summers, I’ve met and learned from so many amazing people, and together, each summer, we gave kids a safe and enriching space to grow. My experience at the MVBGC taught me how to look beyond myself and recognize the importance of contributing positively to the community. I look back on my time at MVBGC with fondness and appreciation for the role it played in my life. I’m excited about the amazing upcoming changes happening there, and look forward to seeing its continued impact. Currently, I’m working as a Family Support Worker with the Island Wide Youth Collaborative, part of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services. In this role, I connect individuals and families with essential resources like housing, healthcare, employment, education, and other community supports. Though I’ve only been here a few months, I’m incredibly grateful for my team, who have guided and supported me as I transition from being a student to a full-time professional. Their mentorship has eased any uncertainty I had about starting my career, and I genuinely look forward to going to work each day. Even after finishing my undergraduate degree, I find myself learning and growing daily. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me next. I hope to continue paying forward the support that MVYouth has given me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you MVYouth, for supporting me every step of the way.

Danielle Middleton - Howard University

I’m officially entering my final semester in college! Time has gone by swiftly with ease, and I credit that to the support that MVYouth has given me. Within this past semester, I have completed a minor in community health, and I greatly look forward to spring where I will be finishing my additional minor in Spanish and my major in Psychology. Beyond academics, I've remained an active member of Howard University's Model United Nations club, proudly representing the only HBCU with such a club. Our preparation for a recent conference included an incredible experience meeting the staff of the Icelandic Embassy to the United States! I’m also learning a lot through my internship, and with our hard work, we’ve received approval from the institutional review board to begin our research working with participants. We’re currently preparing to begin gathering data as soon as the spring semester begins. MVYouth’s unwavering support has fostered within me a feeling of confidence in myself, my decisions, and my capabilities. I’ve matured a lot from the nervous freshman I used to be. A large part of this is due to MVYouth’s financial support. I’m immensely grateful that with this support, I’ve been given the opportunity to live independently in my own apartment, allowing me to cultivate a sense of responsibility and autonomy. Each day gets me closer and closer to completing my undergraduate studies, and I’m really looking forward to graduating! In the meantime, I’ll be making every moment count and cherishing this experience. Thank you MVYouth!

Danielle Middleton - Howard University

Becoming a junior is so surreal because I only just now realize how far I’ve come, and the fact that I am almost done is even crazier! This semester I performed choreographed exercise routines, learned about global music genres, studied gender psychology, discussed women’s health, and absolutely crushed statistics if I do say so myself. I’m also making strides in putting together my honors thesis.

Aside from classes, I’ve been participating in clubs. I’m especially looking forward to spring semester, because there are many Model United Nations conferences coming up that I will be participating in. It’s a lot more advanced than high school Model UN, so I am both nervous and excited. Luckily, I’m part of a team that has a habit of winning awards, so I feel I’m in good hands.

Around August of last year, I was a lot more nervous about moving down to DC. Everything was brand new and unfamiliar, and it was my first time away from home. The contrast however with this year is grand. Everything is so much more familiar. I only just now feel like I’m hitting my stride. Whereas last year the city felt brand new, nowadays I’m able to find my way around the city easily. I have my routines and areas I like to frequent, and DC is a lot more comfortable for me. A big part of this is made possible through MVYouth, which is helping me to afford the apartment I live in. I actually surprised myself this year as I caught myself referring to the apartment as “home,” (although Martha’s Vineyard is always #1 in my heart.) But nonetheless, I’m truly grateful to MVYouth for providing me with their support which has allowed me to go so far. Thank you MVYouth!

Danielle Middleton - Howard University

Normally, I’m the type to feel sad when summer ends, but this year was different as the end of summer meant the start of my first year on campus! Accompanied by my mother and far too many suitcases and bags, I felt like a tourist as I marveled at how new and exciting being in DC felt. The move in process was a whirlwind, as many new experiences are, but the joy of arriving in DC, meeting my roommates, and setting up my dorm room made for unforgettable memories. It was wholly liberating to be making my first real steps towards independence and adulthood.

As a sophomore, my classes this year have been moving away from introductory courses and into the core content for my major, which has been exciting as topics get more specific and in-depth. The hours of preparation I put into meticulously planning out my schedule for the fall semester were truly worth it, because I was able to challenge, but never overwhelm myself. It was also fun to split my time between things like creating a group podcast for a media psychology class, performing theater monologues, studying experimental design, and literally bending over backwards in pilates. And after finishing my semester, I was offered the opportunity to be an undergraduate research assistant for one of my professors, which I plan to accept.

From having completed my freshman year fully online and off-campus, it’s been a refreshing change of pace to be on campus, where everything feels much more real. And though college gave me a new found sense of independence, I never felt alone because I knew I had my family, friends, and this community cheering me on from back home.

Danielle Middleton - Howard University

Following a quiet summer of staying at home and spending my time rotating between hobbies or connecting with friends online, my first semester of college at Howard University couldn’t come soon enough! Though it wasn’t the typical learning experience, my professors were all adept with the transition to online learning, and I had a positive experience. It wasn’t the same as being on campus, but through programs like Zoom, I was able to see everyone at the same time, and communication was easily facilitated through virtual hand-raising or chat messaging. My English class was especially good at this, and I’ve had many thought-provoking conversations in the class as thoughts were spurred on by another's commentary; definitely one of my favorite classes. It was cool to see my classmates and professors in their natural home environments. Whether it be their study, backyard, or living room, it was a fun way of seeing a glimpse into someone else’s life. Additionally, I’ve been fortunate to be an Assistant-Director on a committee for the 2021 National High School Model United Nations conference. This has been a dream come true since I’ve been participating in Model UN since my sophomore year of high school. Through this experience, I’ve been able to become a published author through collaboration with talented college-aged individuals from all over the world. It’s been a healthy balance of work and fun in between deadlines before the conference, and I’ve even gotten the chance to use my foreign language skills. I look forward to the conference in March. A lot has happened this past year, but it's amazing to see people’s resiliency. It has been a blessing to know that with all the uncertainty this year has brought, MVYouth has always been there to offer support towards me and my education.