Marina Pessoni - Cape Cod Community College

Looking back on my 2024 fall semester, I am proud of how the major shift I made in 2023. Transitioning from Nursing to Business Administration with an Accounting concentration has shaped my academic and professional journey. This year, working at a tax services office proved to be a transformative experience. It allowed me to directly apply concepts from my coursework to real-world scenarios. From preparing financial documents to assisting clients and contributing to the office’s expansion efforts, I gained hands-on experience that reinforced my understanding of accounting principles and business strategies. The unexpected nature of this opportunity challenged me in ways I hadn’t anticipated, but it also spurred immense personal and professional growth. I learned to adapt quickly, solve problems creatively, and balance the demands of work and study effectively. What once felt like an uncertain path has become a rewarding journey, as I see tangible progress in both my education and career. One of the most meaningful aspects of this experience has been the connection to the Island community. Through my role, I’ve been able to contribute to a growing local business while developing a clearer vision of my future. Although Nursing remains close to my heart, my current path has shown me new ways to serve others. I remain deeply grateful to MVYouth for their support. Their investment in my education has been instrumental in making this progress possible, enabling me to embrace opportunities and continue growing. As I move into 2025, I carry forward the lessons of 2024 with confidence and gratitude, eager for what lies ahead.

Marina Pessoni - Cape Cod Community College

My 2023 fall semester has marked a significant turning point in my college journey as I navigated a major shift in my career aspirations. A job opportunity unfolded at a tax services office affiliated with an expanding branch on Martha's Vineyard. This prompted me to redirect my academic focus from Nursing to Business Administration with an Accounting concentration. This job opportunity has compelled me to reevaluate my long-term goals. While Nursing is still a dream, the job opportunity in the tax services office offers a more tangible and immediate career path. This shift aligns with my overarching objective of community service, as the office's expansion to Falmouth creates an opportunity for me to strengthen ties with the Island community. I have a newfound sense of stability to my academic journey, as I can now work steadily while pursuing my studies. The prospect of professional growth is enhanced by the offer of training to become a future tax applier and accountant within the company. To seamlessly integrate work and study, I've opted to switch majors, safeguarding my already earned credits! A collaborative plan has been devised to navigate this dual commitment successfully. This involves professional growth within the tax services office while concurrently delving into the intricacies of business and accounting through online classes. I want to earn a degree while actively contributing to my community! I am profoundly thankful for MVYouth, as their support has made this transformative journey possible. This opportunity for professional and academic growth would not be complete without MVYouth's assistance. The commitment to empowering students like me with the means to pursue their goals has been instrumental in shaping this exciting new chapter of my life. As I embark on this dynamic and rewarding career path, I carry with me a deep gratitude to MVYouth for helping make this vision a reality.

Marina Pessoni - Cape Cod Community College

My fall semester has been very interesting. I took a total of 5 courses fully online, with no zoom, just due dates. It has been very challenging. This fall semester was my first semester of college ever, and though it didn't follow my plans, I am very happy with my achievements. I am almost done with my prerequisite courses before I get into the Nursing program! I only need three more and then hopefully I will be able to apply and get into the program.

The most hands-on class that I took was Survey of Biology. I don't know how I've done it, but I've managed to run labs at my own house with materials provided by my college. I would've never imagined that that was possible. I've made friends to the point where I've done study sessions online, which I thought would be impractical.

My main goal now is to move off island for next semester, to be able to attend classes in-person during the spring semester. I need the in-person interactions! Taking five courses fully online was the most demanding time of my life so far, but with the support of my family and my professors, I made it! I've had unexpected connections with my professors - they have been so understanding and actively present. Cape Cod Community College was able to make me feel welcomed with their student engagement even though I am an at-home student.

I can't express how grateful I am for MVYouth and the help they have provided me to start this new phase in my life. It was a bummer not having the MVYouth summer party because I was so looking forward to meeting everyone. Hopefully we will all see each other soon! I am so excited for the future steps I will be taking as a nursing student, which are only possible because of MVYouth. I'm ready to keep going!