Norah Prestley - University of Saint Joseph's

My first semester at the University of Saint Joseph was definitely something to remember. The expectations that I had set for the fall semester were not shown in the reality. I am currently majoring in nursing, so I had been warned by many people that I would struggle. They were not wrong. As I headed into college, I had a feeling that most of my time would be spent in the library on campus doing my homework, studying, and building some study groups. That expectation was 100% the reality, but it doesn’t stop there. I had expected that everyone was going to be looking for friends and everyone would have grown out of stupid high school drama, but that’s just not the case. Maybe, its different at other schools considering my school is so tiny, but making friends was my biggest challenge, and the drama was still present. I had begun to realize that everyone has their own clicks with people, and they aren’t particularly looking for more friends. This left me feeling quite lonely all the time. Most of my days were spent in my dorm room (alone), or in the library (alone). Now, this update isn’t supposed to be sad or lame, so let me talk about the good parts of college that I experienced. My school gives their students a wonderful privilege called “Woof Wednesday” and it’s all about having a bunch of dogs on campus on Wednesday’s and you just get to play with them and pet them. That was probably my favorite thing about my campus. Another wonderful thing about my school is the professors that I worked with. All my professors were so understanding and cooperative with me and they really took the time to get to know me and help me when I needed it. This definitely supported throughout my tough science classes. The academics are time consuming and hard to understand, but not impossible; and I couldn’t have done it without my awesome professors. All in all, some of my expectations were met and some were not. But, at the end of the day, I made it through; and I can’t wait to see what the spring semester brings me.