In August I graduated from Bridgewater State University (BSU) with a BS in Business Administration and Management with a Concentration in Human Resources and in September I started a Master of Science in Accountancy program at my alma mater. I made a big shift from where I started my collegiate experience as a Physical Therapy major, but I am so pleased I followed my path and found my passion. I am also grateful to MVYouth for their generosity throughout my undergraduate experience and especially supporting my early graduation. Currently, I am working as a Graduate Assistant at BSU in the Academic Achievement Center (AAC) as an Academic Coach. As an academic coach I work with students to aid their academic success during their college experience. I support students with organizational skills, time management, test strategies and strategies to reduce test anxiety. I am also a student advocate and work closely with student athletes. It has been a rewarding experience and I feel I am giving back to my college community. I’m enjoying my graduate coursework and thrilled to begin an Audit Internship in June with my top pick accounting firm. People joke that accounting is boring (so I won’t bore you with the details), but I find solving the problems very rewarding. On a personal note, I got a puppy in February. He's a corgi named Turbo and he is the best addition to my life. When I’m not walking Turbo and the weather is conducive, you can find me on the golf course. Juggling graduate school, work and a dog is a challenge, but I am focused and working toward my goals. I wouldn’t want my life any other way.
Kaya Seimann - Bridgewater State University
During this past year, I have been very focused on school. I am majoring in Business Administration and Management with a concentration in Human Resources at Bridgewater State University. I have enjoyed many of my professors and the content in general. I am particularly enjoying accounting and human resource classes. I always loved math but I find great satisfaction in accounting. I love when there are definitive answers, applying the rules and balancing the books. I always love my vocal lesson with Professor Maryte Bizinkauskas. Last week, I performed my last college recital singing All The Things You Are from the musical Very Warm for May. It was a challenge to move from an alto to a soprano and the growth over this last year was tremendous, albeit frustrating at times. I appreciate my Professor’s high expectations and taking me out of my comfort zone. This last recital was by far my best and growth was evident. With the support of the Assistant Dean and many professors, as well as their confidence (and approval), I successfully completed a 19 credit semester and plan to take additional winter and summer classes. I am excited to graduate in August, a year early. I am working at We Clean Dirty CarZ, assisting in the office and applying my human resource skills to their hiring process. It is exciting to use knowledge learned in the real world and it helps me realize possible employment opportunities post graduation. In my free time, I enjoy going into Boston to enjoy a Celtics game or dinner in the North End. I also love traveling north to ski, hike and relax. Of course, I love returning home to Martha’s Vineyard to visit my family and friends, and my dogs: Pika and Roo. Being active and healthy is also an integral part of my wellbeing. Between school, work and play, I feel fulfilled and am enjoying my atypical college experience.
Kaya Seiman - Bridgewater State University
This past year I have made a lot of changes that are bettering me as a person. During the Spring of 2022 at Simmons University, I realized it wasn’t the right fit for me. I was really missing music in my life and Simmons University did not offer a well established music program. I also realized that my Physical Therapy major was not fulfilling, so I applied to other universities. Prior to accepting a place at Bridgewater State, I met with the head of the music department, Dr. Donald Running. He invited me to sit in a private lesson with Professor Maryte Bizinkauskas. Professor Biz reminded me so much of Ms. Chandler, one of my favorite teachers from MVRHS. I knew Bridgewater State was the place for me. I am now a sophomore at Bridgewater, majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources and minoring in Music. At the start of the Fall 2022 semester, I started taking private lessons with Professor Biz. I am singing notes I didn’t even know I could hit. I didn’t even realize how much I missed singing until I began singing again. I have my first performance on December 12th and I am so excited to get back on the stage where I feel most myself. I am also really enjoying learning about business at Bridgewater and on my own. I have and continue to learn so much about myself. I am also fortunate to have the support of my family during these changes and growing pains. I am confident that I made the right change transferring to Bridgewater State University. I have developed some wonderful friendships, reignited my passion for singing and am learning new content everyday. I am so excited for what the new year has to offer personally and educationally.
Kaya Seiman - Simmons University
This fall was a new beginning. New friends, new city, new school and teachers, new coaches and a new team. I started my college experience at Simmons University in pre-season for soccer with lots of ups and downs. I was playing with a great group of women, but we were a small group, so as injuries increased our numbers on the field decreased. We fought till the end of the season though! The Sharks team taught me what it feels like to play as one, on the field and off. We had dinners together, participated in exciting team bonding activities and trained hard. This is where I met most of my friends. I was also excited to begin my 6 year doctoral program for Physical Therapy. I will graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science in three years and a Doctor of Physical Therapy three years later. I just completed a semester filled with Chemistry, Spanish, Psychology, Sustainability in Boston and a Simmons Exploratory Course. With small class sizes I had the opportunity to know my professors well but the pandemic still affected my college experience in and out of the classroom. It was hard to create strong connections with people, when all they see of you are eyes and up, but this is a reality in our current lives. I was very lucky to attend in person classes and play a full Division III soccer season against other universities. I am very grateful for my first semester of college at Simmons. I am ready to jump into this spring semester and see where it takes me. I have made so many new memories and new friends and I can’t wait to make more.