Nikeya Tankard - Connecticut College

Though I went into college thinking I would study English and Government, a great class taught me more than Government or Politics — It taught me that my desires for advocacy and engagement might be suited better within other frames and areas. I finished off the semester with a 3.75 GPA and excelled in classes American Studies, a more interdisciplinary examination of our American society through writing, art, music and media, and Fundamentals in two dimensions, a foundational yet challenging 2D art class. So, for now, I’m thinking of majoring in English and Art in hopes of going into the Creative Directing or Design fields. I also found great joy in dancing, an activity I never thought I’d indulge in again since covid, despite my 10 years of experience prior at our very own Rise VPA. At Conn I am in Dance Club and I regularly participate in other student performances. I have two coming up this semester, so please wish me luck! Other than dance I enjoy tasty morning matcha lattes at our many amazing student-run coffee shops on campus, afternoons on the green in between classes on those few sunny days we had this season, and study sessions with music, tea, and a lot of chatter in my room as the sun sets for the day. Despite my previous mindset based in predictability, planning, and order, I have learned over these past months to revel in the unknown. Rather than trying to plan out the rest of my life, I am enjoying taking it one step at a time as things more naturally progress. Some opportunities I look forward to for the near future are Conn’s study-away opportunities and expanding my job experience this Summer. All in all, I am so excited to indulge deeper into the range of areas Conn has to offer, and share my new skills and passions when I get back home all thanks to the great support and generosity of the Martha's Vineyard community and the MVYouth scholarship program!