MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaboration
2024 was a year of growth, connection, and unforgettable moments at IWYC! From empowering programs like the Misty Equine Social Skills Group, Teen Support Groups, Afterschool Cultural Club for tweens. and LGBTQ+ community and allies meetups for teens, to enriching diverse events and special speakers at local schools, we’ve built a stronger, more inclusive community together. In the last year, we celebrated through family events, a community baby shower, and even a soccer clinic for pre-teens during the Summer. Our first-ever staff retreat was a highlight, fostering deeper connections and professional development. We’ve said some bittersweet goodbyes, but we’ve also welcomed new faces who brought fresh energy and ideas!
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC), MV Family Resource Center, provides services for families, young people and community members. The goal of a Family Resource Center is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others and engage in their community. The IWYC continued its work in the community during 2023 delivering services to 374 families, a total of 3,897 community members throughout the year. Services included referring families to social supports both on and off the island as well providing case management and programming. Programming and case management to families were the main focus of the IWYC in 2023. Programs such as Eat the Rainbow – A Healthy Eating and Cooking Workshop for teens, Social Skills Group at Misty Meadows, MV Backpack Drive, Soccer Clinic, CPR Classes, Life Skills Workshops, Therapeutic Services and Programming for the LGBTQ+ community, Financial Literacy, Community Baby Shower and more.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC), a Massachusetts Family Resource Center, provides services for at-risk families, young people and community members. The goal of a Family Resource Center is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others and engage in their community.
The IWYC continued its work in the community during 2022 delivering services to 276 families throughout the year. Services included referring families to social supports both on and off the island as well providing case management and programming.
While providing programming to parents and caregivers is the main focus of the IWYC in 2022 programming was expanded to include youth including a Teen Health Fair, CPR Classes, Life Skills Workshops, Financial Literacy and Conflict Resolution.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC), a Massachusetts Family Resource Center, provides services for at-risk families, young people and community members. The goal of a Family Resource Center is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others and engage in their community. The IWYC continued its work in the community during 2021 delivering services to 326 families throughout the year. Services included referring families to social supports both on and off the island as well providing case management. IWYC was able to provide crisis stabilization funding to several families impacted by COVID. With the expansion of the program in February of 2020 programming was extended to include several events and parenting classes. In collaboration with MVCS Peer Recovery Support Center the IWYC facilitated a 12 week class of Nurturing Families in Recovery. This program is new to the island and was well attended. Other programming included:
Active Parenting of Teens
Back to School Backpack Event
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Monthly Support Group
Nurturing Fathers Program
Teen Health Fair
Financial Literacy Classes
Conflict Resolution for Teens
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC), a Massachusetts Family Resource Center, provides services for at-risk families, young people and community members. The goal of a Family Resource Center is to support families to strengthen their bonds, connect to others and engage in their community. The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC) continues its mission to provide services to the families of Martha’s Vineyard. In February of 2020 the IWYC was named a Full Massachusetts Family Resource Center. This designation provided expanded funding from the Department of Children and Families. Four full time positions were added and programming capacity was greatly increased. In March of 2020, the IWYC was able to quickly meet the demands of underserved families on the island by providing much needed essential items such as food, diapers and baby wipes. Working in collaboration with MVCS Early Childhood Programs contactless deliveries were made to families across the island. The IWYC staff also worked with numerous community partners – schools, Island Health Care, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and other organizations to fill gaps in services. Programming for parents has been provided virtually beginning in April of 2020. Staff worked tirelessly to create a strong safety net for families and we continue this work into 2021.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
In the fourth year of the IWYC we continued to serve island families and YA ages 18 to 24. Services provided included: Referrals to various community organizations to assist residents with mental health and substance abuse issues, housing, government agencies supports (DTA, SNAP, etc.), case management, and programming in areas to support financial literacy and like skills. In November of 2019 the Department of Children and Families (DCF) increased funding to the IWYC enabling the program to expand from a Micro Family Resource Center to a Full Family Resource Center. With this expansion we were able to double our staff as well hire a 40 hour clinician. Programming for families and individuals will expand in the coming year as well increased hours of operation (three evenings a week and two Saturdays a month). Programming provided by the IWYC in 2019:
Bilingual Story Time (monthly)
Support Group for parents of children in grades 7 to 12 who are concerned about substance use
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness Family to Family Class (12 week session)
Immigration Resource Center (twice a month) with attorneys from the Cape and Islands Immigration Resource Center
Transgendered Support Group (weekly)
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
Working with numerous families and students dealing with mental health and substance use disorders, the IWYC provides programming and case management to support families seeking public assistance and services both on and off the Island. 349 individuals (162 families, 159 children) received direct services as well as 37 individuals between the ages of 18 and 26. Ongoing IWYC programming includes:
High School Substance Abuse Programs Working in collaboration with all six of the Island’s Boards of Health, MVCS Recovery Coaches meet with students from MVRHS and the Charter School in one-on-one sessions on a weekly basis to provide counseling and support to those struggling with substance use or dealing with a loved one with a substance use issue.
Clinician’s Continuing Education Series A professional development series for licensed clinicians working with adolescents and families that enables therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other human service providers to stay abreast of current research and maintain certification in their respective fields.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Family-to-Family Class A free, twelve session program for family members, significant others and friends of people living with mental illness.
Immigration Resource Center Attorneys from the Cape and Islands Immigration Resource Center visit the Island twice a month to provide families with needed immigration information and support.
Transgendered Support Group A weekly support group for transgendered and non-binary adolescents and adults to share experiences and concerns in a confidential setting while developing an Island support system.
Island Grown Schools Winter Cooking Class A six week cooking class for students in grades 3-6. Educators from Island Grown Schools teach student to prepare healthy meals using locally grown produce.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The IWYC expanded our programming as well as increased building use with numerous community partners during year two. 145 families received services, 114 children and 31 individuals between the ages of 18 and 26. 288 individuals were served, 18% requiring translation. Those served were provided connections and referrals to various resources: housing, financial, behavioral health and immigration. The IWYC provided numerous collaborations through a rich array of programming in 2017. Events and trainings that utilized multiple spaces included: Pathfinders High School Support Group. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family-to-Family Classes, Transgendered Support Group, Coffee and Conversations for Parents of Teens and Tweens, Embody Love Movement (ELM) Programming -a two-day workshop for adolescent girls ages 7 to 14, Island Grown Schools Winter Cooking Class, and Immigration Resource Center. As the IWYC enters our third year we are planning numerous community events. The IWYC building has become an anchor not only for MVCS but for our entire community providing space for state agencies to meet with families, for up-island agencies to have a more centralized meeting option and for easier access for our high school staff and students.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
The Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC) impact on the community has picked up steam serving more than 225 at risk families in 2016 and upwards of 330 individuals. The IWYC assisted these folks utilizing a targeted family systems approach which connected the families with housing needs, financial supports, behavioral health needs and resolving immigration issues, to name a few. The IWYC building operated at full tilt this year providing programs and training for well over 860 Island Clinicians, educators and parents including the Recovery Coach training that took place over four weekends that has resulted in the creation of the MVCS Recovery Coach Services. Without the generosity of MVYouth, the IWYC would not have reached the level of success it has seen over the past two years as quickly as it did. In addition to providing a welcoming, safe space for staff to provide case management services to high risk adolescents and their families, the space allows the IWYC to run parenting education classes, trainings for clinicians and community providers, cooking classes (in collaboration with Island Grown Schools) and adolescent support groups, to name a few. Furthermore, the space has become an accommodating location to hold numerous youth related meetings in the community. We are beyond grateful to MVYouth for enabling the IWYC to provide these essential services to the children and families on Martha’s Vineyard. In the words of an IWYC client: “When I was referred to IWYC I didn’t have much of anything left. I was scared and alone. I didn’t know what was going to be the future I once held so firmly in my hands for my son. The IWYC may not have known it, but they saved my life.”
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
Martha's Vineyard Community Services was awarded funding to build the Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC) Center, a facility that will integrate services for young people struggling with mental health issues and substance abuse, both rising youth issues on the Island.The IWYC Center houses offices for case managers and clinicians to coordinate services, as well as a conference room and kitchen for team meetings and support group gatherings. MVCS estimates the IWYC will support 1,810 young people and family members in year one. Operational funding for many years has already been secured through grants from The Tower Foundation ($300,000 for 3 years) and a state Family Resource Center Grant ($250,000 for 10 years). Through professional development of the Island's mental health clinicians and increased coordination, the IWYC seeks to curtail the rising number of young people and families struggling with these issues, and reduce the number of on and off-island hospitalizations of young people in crisis. The facility is located on the Community Services campus, accessible by public transportation, and in close proximity to MVRHS, the Y and Island Counseling Center. Squash Meadow Construction swiftly built the modular facility. Funding from MVYouth enabled MVCS to break ground in May 2015. The facility was completed in the Fall of 2015.
MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT: Martha's Vineyard Community Services was awarded funding to build the Island Wide Youth Collaborative (IWYC) Center, a facility that will integrate services for young people struggling with mental health issues and substance abuse, both rising youth issues on the Island.
The IWYC Center will house offices for case managers and clinicians to coordinate services, as well as a conference room and kitchen for team meetings and support group gatherings. MVCS estimates the IWYC will support 1,810 young people and family members in year one. Operational funding for many years has already been secured through grants from The Tower Foundation ($300,000 for 3 years) and a state Family Resource Center Grant ($250,000 for 10 years).
Through professional development of the Island's mental health clinicians and increased coordination, the IWYC seeks to curtail the rising number of young people and families struggling with these issues, and reduce the number of on and off-island hospitalizations of young people in crisis.
The facility will be located on the Community Services campus, accessible by public transportation, and in close proximity to MVRHS, YMCA and Island Counseling Center. Squash Meadow Construction has been hired to build the modular facility. Funding from MVYouth will enable MVCS to break ground in May, and be functional by late Fall 2015.