My time at Hamilton College has continued to be an amazing experience, and it is flying by! Over the past year I have spent several Saturdays working with the Hamilton Autism Advocates for NeuroDiversity (HAAND) club on campus. Children with autism from the surrounding community come to the school and engage in all different kinds of activities and arts and crafts to help boost their social kids with others. This has been one to most inspirational things for me on campus, as I have become very passionate about working with children with autism and other special needs. I was also recently elected co-captain for the women’s club soccer team for the upcoming semester. This past year I was able to take some really cool classes. I took a developmental biology course and watched chick embryos develop, and was also able to participate in several different psychology studies for senior thesis projects for my psychology class. I am looking forward to many new experiences and classes in the upcoming semesters. Thank you, MVYouth, for another amazing year!