It is incredible how fast my college experience has transpired. Although my final year was not at all what I was expecting, and all my classes were entirely remote, I made the most out of the situation in every way I could. I continued to stay just as busy, if not busier, as my previous “normal” semesters. When I wasn’t busy with schoolwork, I frequently participated in virtual Zoom meetings for clubs and career panels with numerous guest speakers. Additionally, I have been doing a significant amount of post-grad planning, and as I continue to prepare for what lies ahead in the near future, I have solidified the conclusion that I would like to continue my education in the years to come by pursuing a Master’s degree. The highlight of the semester was my honors thesis, which I completed through the capstone courses of the Isenberg School and Honors College, “Business Strategy & Entrepreneurial Leadership.” To briefly summarize an extensive thesis project, my research addressed the future of meat consumption as consumers seek to incorporate more plant-based meat alternatives into their diets, consequent to learning about the negative externalities associated with conventional meat consumption. Among the many things I learned upon completion, the most pertinent is the environmental effects and inefficiencies linked to livestock and conventional meat production. It is more important now than ever before to address the impacts of climate change, and one way to do so is through consumers’ dietary habits. Following this, the capstone professor, who guided me through the honors thesis, asked me to assist him in completing his own thesis project next semester, which I am excited about. We will be researching and analyzing growth investment opportunities set to transform the landscape of industries within the Technology sector. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the continued support of MVYouth and all those involved. These past four years have been filled with a myriad of new learning experiences and opportunities, none of which would have been possible without the support of MVYouth. I look forward to the day in which I am able to demonstrate my eternal appreciation and gratefulness for MVYouth and its donors. Thank you all so much for the opportunities you have given to me!