Hello, not much at all has changed from my last update. I really am now seeing what being an adult means - I’ll tell you that. Now that I’m living with my girlfriend in Connecticut because MV just sadly wasn’t in my budget to live there, I’m learning what new responsibilities there are to being an adult, I’m now working mostly around 48 hours roughly a week, and every hour of those 48 I’m learning something new. Cars are only going to get more complex. My brain is in over drive every day, from finding new ways to diagnose vehicles faster so the shop has more cash flow to finding little in shop tips and tricks to use to repair it just that much faster so I can move onto something else and not be behind in jobs. But there is always that one 30 minute job that for some reason wants to fight and turns into a 4 hour job, but how do you charge for that, it’s not the customers fault so that’s why you have to recognize a problem that might be so it’s not a problem you end up running into. The education I got from NEIT definitely have me a boost to the finish line but I’m not kidding when I say that the finish line keeps getting further and further away as new cars are produced I’m never not learning. I have no doubt in my mind if I didn’t get help from the workforce scholarship I would be so far behind in my education I would be insanely overwhelmed with trying to keep up. So I will be forever grateful for the opportunities this scholarship program provided me.