MVCS - Island Wide Youth Collaborative

The IWYC expanded our programming as well as increased building use with numerous community partners during year two. 145 families received services, 114 children and 31 individuals between the ages of 18 and 26. 288 individuals were served, 18% requiring translation. Those served were provided connections and referrals to various resources: housing, financial, behavioral health and immigration. The IWYC provided numerous collaborations through a rich array of programming in 2017. Events and trainings that utilized multiple spaces included: Pathfinders High School Support Group. NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Family-to-Family Classes, Transgendered Support Group, Coffee and Conversations for Parents of Teens and Tweens, Embody Love Movement (ELM) Programming -a two-day workshop for adolescent girls ages 7 to 14, Island Grown Schools Winter Cooking Class, and Immigration Resource Center. As the IWYC enters our third year we are planning numerous community events. The IWYC building has become an anchor not only for MVCS but for our entire community providing space for state agencies to meet with families, for up-island agencies to have a more centralized meeting option and for easier access for our high school staff and students.