Jackson Pizzano - University of Massachusetts, Stockbridge

This past semester at Umass Amherst, Stockbridge was very similar to last year but also very different. Instead of participating in all online classes, I was able to attend a full schedule of in person classes. This was very exciting as well as daunting, I hadn't been in a real classroom in over a year and wondered if I could make the transition back. I ended up having my best semester at school yet. I was relieved to be able to talk to my professors in person and be able to sit next to like minded kids in my major. Using all the buildings and resources at Umass was a big difference from last year as well, most of them were locked up due to Covid last semester. I also joined back on the hockey team I was playing for last year and it once again was an exciting thing to look forward to throughout the week, and helped me get through some of the tougher weeks at school. My favorite class this semester ended up being my turfgrass management class, it was very informative and made me think differently about large outdoor areas occupied by grass. I think it will end up playing a large role in my future as it's another large part of the green industry. All in all this year was vastly different from last year and made me a lot more excited about my major and school I decided to attend. Though my career at Stockbridge is short, I'm definitely happy I pursued a higher education to help prepare me for my future. Iā€™d like to thank all the donors who made these last two years possible. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today and I'm eternally grateful for that, thank you.