2024 was an exciting and challenging year! After 8 months working for the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center, I learned that perhaps a job in international affairs was not the right fit. It only took a bachelor’s and master’s degree to figure that out! In early 2024, I began applying far and wide to new jobs, including outside the international affairs industry. Falling back on my many years spent working at the Edgartown Yacht Club over the summers, in April I accepted a new position as Member Experience & Communications Director at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, VA. I am so happy I made the change! As the head of my department, I am responsible for all Club communications and social media, the recruitment and retainment of Members, and coordination of the membership application process. The hospitality industry has always been my comfort place, and it welcomed me back with open arms! The Members and Staff at Westwood make every day enjoyable, and with a 7-year membership waitlist there is always something to do! I recently joined the Club Management Association of America (CMAA), which provides certification courses to support my future in the private club industry. I’m excited for all the opportunities this new line of works presents! On a more personal note, in May I got engaged to my wonderful fiancé Luke Wheeler! Luke and I recently moved to Alexandria, VA, where we’re enjoying life in the suburbs just outside of Washington, DC. We’re set to be married on October 18th, 2025, on Martha’s Vineyard. It will be my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Thank you all for your support of MVYouth! I enjoy writing these updates each year and seeing where my fellow recipients have adventured to since graduating. Have a wonderful 2025!