Nicolas Andre - Holy Cross University

I genuinely appreciate every time Lindsey reaches out to us to share an update on the past year. It is a lovely excuse to reflect on another year lived and look forward to what comes next. In taking the time to write this update, I have realized that my 2023 was one continuously marked with significant transitions. In November 2022, I played my last ever competitive soccer match and prepared myself for my first academic semester without an ever-present staple in my life. While bittersweet, it provided me the opportunity to explore the vast array of college life that I didn't have the time to explore before. From garnering new friendships to fostering ones that would soon come to a close, it was an enlightening experience. Before I knew it, the semester was over and it was time to leave Mount St. James for a final time. I was extremely lucky to spend the summer road-tripping across the country towards my final destination, Los Angeles, and even more lucky to catch a few Dead and Co shows on the way. Since I arrived in July, I have started working in a Physician's office while studying for the MCAT which I plan to take in May of this upcoming year. Life has been coming thick and fast, but the new challenges have brought continued excitement and opportunities to learn and grow. I can't wait to see what more 2024 has in store! As always, my gratitude for all of MVYouth's support cannot be overstated. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all of your continued support!