Nicolas Andre - College of Holy Cross

This past year has been an incredible journey of growth and adventure. I have had the opportunity to continue my work as a medical scribe, a role that continues to provide me with invaluable hands-on experience in the medical field. This experience not only sharpened my clinical knowledge but also solidified my passion for pursuing a career in medicine. As the year progresses, I am now focused on preparing for medical school. I will be entering the application cycle this upcoming summer and look forward to the challenges that will pose.

I was blessed to have the opportunity to embark on another coast-to-coast road trip this past year as well. As always, this adventure allowed me to connect with people from all walks of life, broaden my perspective, and appreciate the beauty and diversity of our country. Despite an incredibly divisive and polarizing election year, I always find that we are much closer than we may think.

Another significant aspect of this year has been adjusting to life in Los Angeles. Moving to a bustling city like LA was initially overwhelming, but it has proven to be an invaluable experience. Before I knew it, this once foreign environment transformed into my home. I’ve been keen to navigate the dynamic urban environment, meet new people, and embrace all of LA’s rich cultural offerings. I would also be remiss not to mention the tragic wildfires that are still raging on and express my gratitude to LAFD and the inmates who are putting their lives in danger to protect our city.

Overall, this year has been a chapter filled with personal and professional growth. I am excited to continue this journey and eagerly look forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. As always, my sincerest gratitude to MVYouth for providing the support to allow for any of this to happen.

Nicolas Andre - Holy Cross University

I genuinely appreciate every time Lindsey reaches out to us to share an update on the past year. It is a lovely excuse to reflect on another year lived and look forward to what comes next. In taking the time to write this update, I have realized that my 2023 was one continuously marked with significant transitions. In November 2022, I played my last ever competitive soccer match and prepared myself for my first academic semester without an ever-present staple in my life. While bittersweet, it provided me the opportunity to explore the vast array of college life that I didn't have the time to explore before. From garnering new friendships to fostering ones that would soon come to a close, it was an enlightening experience. Before I knew it, the semester was over and it was time to leave Mount St. James for a final time. I was extremely lucky to spend the summer road-tripping across the country towards my final destination, Los Angeles, and even more lucky to catch a few Dead and Co shows on the way. Since I arrived in July, I have started working in a Physician's office while studying for the MCAT which I plan to take in May of this upcoming year. Life has been coming thick and fast, but the new challenges have brought continued excitement and opportunities to learn and grow. I can't wait to see what more 2024 has in store! As always, my gratitude for all of MVYouth's support cannot be overstated. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for all of your continued support!

Nicolas Andre - College of Holy Cross

As I headed back to campus in August, I was presented with a range of emotions. While showing up to preseason was always exciting, this was my last one, thus an entirely novel experience. I was simultaneously buzzing to be back in the place I’ve called home for the past four years and slightly nervous as well. Ironically this was akin to how I felt showing up my freshman year in 2018. In reflecting on my time since then, I took stock of how grateful I am of my teammates, friends, coaches, professors, and most of all my family for getting me to where I am today. Therefore, I made the conscious effort to cherish every last moment of this wonderful journey throughout the semester, making sure to take it all in. It is these bittersweet moments that have really made life so special, and I can’t wait for countless more in whatever comes next.

However, as we all know the good times always fly by. In the blink of an eye, it was already December, and with the semester wrapped up, I was gifted the opportunity to travel. I spent the holidays in Germany, visiting family I hadn’t seen since before the pandemic, and then headed to Dubai, Singapore, and Thailand to visit friends. This journey afforded me the chance to take in new cultures, social structures and visit some of the most naturally beautiful landscapes the world has to offer. This was truly an experience I will never forget and am eternally grateful to have had the opportunity to embark upon it. I cannot begin to thank MVYouth enough for its generosity and continued support. Without MVYouth, none of this would even be remotely possible and for that I am ever grateful.

Nicolas Andre - Holy Cross College

This past semester on Mount Saint James was incredible. While the pandemic's challenges are still ever-present, it was a true blessing to be back in the classroom and on the soccer field again, which provided a semblance of normalcy.

Having taken a leave of absence last year, I was extremely excited to head back to campus for in-person classes and my first soccer season since 2019. However, accompanying this excitement were some nerves as well. I was slightly worried that the academic rigor might come as a shock, especially while traveling and playing two games a week. However, this fear proved unfounded, and reacquainting myself with the college lifestyle was much like riding a bike. By the end of the second week of classes, it felt as though I had never left at all. The community I have been fortunate to be a part of at Holy Cross made the transition back smoother than I ever could've hoped. I was challenged by my courses and by my peers, teammates, and coaches daily, providing the opportunity for personal growth across the board. Whether in the classroom, on the field, in the weight room, or during the countless hours spent in the dining hall with my friends, I enjoyed every minute of my time this semester. I am excited to return to Holy Cross at the end of the month and see what more is in store.

As always, none of these experiences would be possible without the generosity of MVYouth. I honestly can't begin to thank you enough for all you've done for me, as well as the rest of the scholarship recipients and the island community as a whole.

Nicolas Andre - College of Holy Cross

The 2020 fall semester was an unusual one to say the least. In August, when Holy Cross announced the semester would be remote, I decided that it would be best for me to take a leave of absence. I have thoroughly enjoyed the first half of my college career, not only due to the classes and athletics, but also as a result of all the connections I have been given the opportunity to make. From talking to professors during office hours and studying with my peers, to getting out on the soccer field with people from all over the world, my college experience thus far has been much more than just my classes. While staying at home for such a long time was unexpected, I feel incredibly privileged to have the opportunity to live on the island, especially during these trying times. I have spent invaluable time with the people I love and have been able to work and give back to the community that I grew up in while we all endure this pandemic together. I began the semester working at TestMV, which gave me incredible insight into public health and is an experience I will never forget. The test site is a fundamental force in keeping our community safe and it was a privilege to help contribute to that goal. After Thanksgiving, I was given the opportunity to return as a scribe in the Emergency Department at MVH, which I will continue throughout the spring and gain more valuable experience in the field I am pursuing. I would also like to thank MVYouth for being so supportive of my decision to take a leave of absence. They encouraged me to make the decision that was best for myself and my family, and for that I am extremely grateful.

Nicolas Andre - College of Holy Cross


This past semester at Holy Cross was amazing from all perspectives. From academics to social life to soccer, I couldn’t have asked for a better start to my second semester on the hill. I had to report to campus on August 13th for soccer and within a week our team was on a plane to San Francisco to open up our regular season at Santa Clara University. Having the opportunity to partake in this trip was such a blessing and was an experience that I will never forget. After the game we returned to campus on a red eye and I headed straight into my first classes of the semester that very morning, a semester that proved to be enthralling from start to finish. I thoroughly enjoyed all of my courses, but one class in particular, Modern Physics, consumed a lot of my time this semester and proved to my most interesting class I’ve taken thus far. Whether we were discussing relativity or quantum mechanics, I left every class with a million questions which would consume my thoughts for the rest of the week. While being the most challenging course of my semester it was the course in which I learned the most and will look back on it as the highlight of my semester. I had the opportunity to engage in activities beyond both academics and soccer. I found myself attending a student led athletes bible study on a weekly basis. While I am not overtly religious, I am studying at a Catholic institution and I would be remiss if I didn’t take the opportunity to learn more about the faith, something that I have greatly enjoyed. I’m so grateful and blessed for all of the opportunities that have been granted as a result of MVYouth’s unbelievable generosity.

Nicolas Andre - College of the Holy Cross


My first semester at the College of the Holy Cross was a busy one.

From arriving on campus on August 6th for pre-season, to studying overnight on trips all across the northeast, I was always either playing soccer or doing schoolwork. This type of commitment was nothing like anything I had experienced before, but with that being said, I had such an amazing semester and I would be hard pressed to find anything I would’ve wanted to do differently. From an academic standpoint, I found all of my classes to be very interesting, especially a discussion based course that focused on racism and inequality in the first half of the semester and global poverty in the second half. While every class left me almost depressed and thinking about the world’s sins, it caused me to take a step back and look at my own community and my actions in a different light. This goes for both my community on Martha’s Vineyard and my new community at Holy Cross.

I was also given the opportunity to become a part of the Worcester community over the course of the semester. Whenever possible, my friends and I try to go into the city and explore what it has to offer. Whether that is going to see concerts or sporting events downtown or going out to eat when the dining hall food becomes unbearable, the city welcomes its students with open arms.

I had such an amazing semester that was all made possible due to the generosity of MVYouth. The kindness and generosity that is shown to me by this organization is unparalleled. I can’t wait to get started with my second semester in January.