2024 was an exciting and challenging year! After 8 months working for the Mexico Institute at the Woodrow Wilson Center, I learned that perhaps a job in international affairs was not the right fit. It only took a bachelor’s and master’s degree to figure that out! In early 2024, I began applying far and wide to new jobs, including outside the international affairs industry. Falling back on my many years spent working at the Edgartown Yacht Club over the summers, in April I accepted a new position as Member Experience & Communications Director at Westwood Country Club in Vienna, VA. I am so happy I made the change! As the head of my department, I am responsible for all Club communications and social media, the recruitment and retainment of Members, and coordination of the membership application process. The hospitality industry has always been my comfort place, and it welcomed me back with open arms! The Members and Staff at Westwood make every day enjoyable, and with a 7-year membership waitlist there is always something to do! I recently joined the Club Management Association of America (CMAA), which provides certification courses to support my future in the private club industry. I’m excited for all the opportunities this new line of works presents! On a more personal note, in May I got engaged to my wonderful fiancé Luke Wheeler! Luke and I recently moved to Alexandria, VA, where we’re enjoying life in the suburbs just outside of Washington, DC. We’re set to be married on October 18th, 2025, on Martha’s Vineyard. It will be my parents’ 30th wedding anniversary. Thank you all for your support of MVYouth! I enjoy writing these updates each year and seeing where my fellow recipients have adventured to since graduating. Have a wonderful 2025!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
The last year has brought many life changes, both personally and professionally. My mom unexpectedly passed away in February 2023, and I took a few weeks off from my graduate studies to travel home and be with family. Even so, in May I graduated on time from Johns Hopkins SAIS with a Master of Arts in International Relations. With no solid plan for after graduation, I moved back to the island while I waited to hear from job applications. For those familiar with Edgartown Seafood, you'll be interested to know that the business was purchased by three of my best friends in March 2023, who contacted me and asked if I would assist them with their bookkeeping. With zero bookkeeping skills but lots of ambition, I took on this project and continue to hold this position. If you're ever in need of great seafood, go say hi to my friends (and now bosses) Andy, Jimmy, and Crockett at Edgartown Seafood! In May I accepted a position at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, DC, where I work as a Program Coordinator in the Mexico Institute. The Mexico Institute seeks to increase understanding, communication, and cooperation between the United States and Mexico through the active discussion of issues relevant to both countries. Mexico and the United States will both hold presidential elections this year, and the two main candidates in Mexico are women, so there is a lot of interesting and meaningful work to be done. As part of the position, I enjoy frequent trips to Mexico and the opportunity to continue practicing Spanish. I hope everyone had a happy and healthy year!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
Another year has gone by too quickly! I’m still in Washington, D.C. pursuing my Master’s degree in International Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). I graduate in May and plan on sticking around D.C. to look for a job. I’ve really enjoyed my education at SAIS and the amazing opportunities that Washington, D.C. continues to present. This past semester I interned with Women for Women International in their Development Department. Women for Women works to economically empower women in countries that have experienced conflict, and as part of their four person Development team I was responsible for curating profiles of potential donors and working to get over $15 million in donations distributed to our Programs teams that operate throughout Africa and the Middle East. I learned a lot about how to fundraise for non-profit organizations, and I know that these skills will be beneficial for my job search! My last semester is all lined up, and my classes are focused on migration, energy, and the Latin American region. My interest in climate and migration stems from my island home and the threat that a rising sea level poses on my family and countless others on this island. I hope that researching more about what motivates people to migrate as a result of climate change can benefit the future of this community in the future.
As always, I love seeing how MVYouth grows each year, serving more Island kids with dreams of venturing out into the world. I credit MVYouth for the many amazing years that I’ve spent in Washington, D.C., with hopefully more to come! Wishing everyone a great holiday season with friends and family, and many more adventures in 2023!
Sam Hargy - George Washington University
Hi everyone! This last year has been very exciting. I took a year off between undergrad and graduate school, so in March 2021 I set off to Arizona to hike the 800 mile Arizona Trail from Mexico to Utah! This was my first long distance hike and took me about 60 days to complete. I camped every night, got to hike rim to rim in the Grand Canyon in a snow storm, and learned to love living out of my backpack. It was an incredible experience and I met some amazing people!
In August I headed back to Washington, DC for graduate school at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies where I am pursuing a Master’s degree in international relations. I finished my first of four semesters at Johns Hopkins with a 3.92 GPA and a spot on the Dean’s List. My classes focused on Latin America, and included a seminar on drug policy in the region. It’s a two year program, so I’ll be in DC until at least May 2023, but hopefully I’ll stick around after and pursue a career here. GW finally held our delayed in-person graduation on the National Mall, and it was a great opportunity to see all of my friends from college after almost two years. After a long winter break, I’m back to class for next semester at the end of January, and I’m looking forward to more adventures!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
It has definitely been a year for the books! Last spring I was in the middle of an amazing internship with the Organization of American States when corona virus forced us to go virtual. During this online period I edited and contributed to the Hemispheric Plan of Action on Drugs 2020-2024. Other projects included the establishment of a Case Care Management program in Trinidad and Tobago to create alternatives to incarceration for drug related offenses. As my internship ended, so did my time in college. Instead of the National Mall in Washington, DC, I spent graduation day on my front lawn with family and neighbors. A bittersweet end to an amazing four years of travel and growth! Since May, I’ve been working toward graduate school by taking the GRE and submitting applications for the Fall 2021 semester. I will hopefully receive an offer by early March. Also in March I am headed to Arizona to solo hike the Arizona Trail, an 800 mile trek from Mexico to Utah. The trail goes right through the Grand Canyon, and I am anticipating a finish time of 55 days. What better way to quarantine than solo camping for two months! I’m looking forward to the year ahead, despite the unpredictability of it all, and hope my next update is filled with exciting new academic and professional ventures. As always, I am so thankful MVYouth has afforded me the security of no student loans during this especially difficult year. As I get older, I always enjoy reading about each new group of students you support and I reminisce on the moment I got word that MVYouth wanted to support me, now more than 4 years ago! Wow!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
Only one semester left until graduation and it is sure to be an exciting one! I spent last Spring at Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Quito, Ecuador where I took all of my classes in Spanish and explored all that Ecuador has to offer. I hiked four active volcanoes, spent time living with an indigenous Quechua family, and had an amazing week in the Galápagos Islands snorkeling with sharks and seals! This fall I returned back to D.C. for my first semester back at the George Washington University since Fall 2017. The transition was difficult at first as I readjusted to taking classes in english and caught up with friends I hadn’t seen in almost two years. I took an interesting classes, including Human Rights Successes where we studied successful human rights campaigns both big and small, and read 12 different books throughout the course of the semester. The end of my travels was bittersweet, but returning to D.C. has been refreshing for my final year. As a senior, it seems everyone is interested in my plans following graduation. For now I am focusing on the semester ahead, for which I only need two more classes before my degree requirements are met. Most of my time will be spent at my full-time internship with the Organization of American States in the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission. I will be working with the Institutional Strengthening Unit to review and revise drug policies for different Latin American countries. It is a Spanish speaking position and I look forward to using my Spanish skills in a professional setting. This is an amazing opportunity to work for the largest international Latin American organization in the world, and I am excited to begin this position in early January! Thank you so much to MVYouth and all of the Donors for their support during these four years! These opportunities are only possible because of your help!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
My last two semesters have been a whirlwind of once in a lifetime adventures! As a part of the Global Bachelor’s International Degree Program, I spent last spring studying at Fudan University in Shanghai, China and immersing myself in a culture completely different from my own. While in China, I traveled extensively, visiting the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, hiking Mount Hua, one of China’s sacred mountains, and walking the Great Wall in Beijing! I took classes outside of my major to explore new topics and most enjoyed International Political Economics, where we discussed the future of Asian economies and the influence of Asia on the world market. Although all of my classes were in English, I dabbled in Mandarin and could successfully order myself food in a restaurant!
This semester I have been studying in Santiago, Chile at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, taking classes focused on my Latin American Studies major and Spanish minor. My favorite class here has been Historical Memories, where we discuss Augusto Pinochet’s rise to power and what happened in Chile during his dictatorship. I also completed an internship with TECHO, an NGO that works to build affordable housing in Chile and many other countries. Chile is a beautiful country, and I recently returned from hiking the week long W trek in Torres del Paine National Park, one of the top ten hikes in the world. Next semester I will continue on this incredible study abroad experience in Quito, Ecuador at Universidad San Francisco de Quito.
I could not be more excited for the adventures ahead! All of these experiences are only possible thanks to MVYouth and all of your help and I am endlessly grateful! Here’s to another year of adventures for all!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
During my third semester at GW, I took advantage of George Washington University’s close proximity to Capitol Hill by interning in the U.S. House of Representatives with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY12). I attended briefings, replied to constituent letters, and frequently got lost in the tunnels under the U.S. Capitol building. On top of my internship, I took classes that both challenged and interested me, including Brazil Rising, which analyzed the history and future of Brazil. I also joined a professional community service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, that connects students to community service sites around DC. With APO, I completed 36 hours of community service this semester. The end of the semester was bittersweet, as I will not return to GW until senior year. Instead, I will take part in the Global Bachelor’s Program and study abroad for three consecutive semesters. I will start this journey in February at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. My following two destinations are to be decided. MVYouth provided me with the possibility to do all of these amazing things. A thank you will never be enough to explain how grateful I am to go to GW, and it’s all thanks to your help!
Samantha Hargy - George Washington University
My first year at The George Washington University has been full of crazy ups and downs. Moving from Martha’s Vineyard to a bustling city was difficult, but I have had some amazing experiences in DC. I was standing outside the White House when the results to one of the most historic presidential elections were announced. I watched comedian Seth Meyers live during his first ever shows in DC, scored tickets to the National Christmas Tree Lighting, and traveled to the Library of Congress to fulfill an assignment. In my classes, we had the opportunity to see some outstanding speakers, such as Senator Bernie Sanders and National Security Council Press Spokesperson Emily Horne. My professors are ambassadors and authors and qualified beyond belief. I would not have had these opportunities if not for the generosity of MVYouth and I will be forever grateful that you all have allowed me to go to my dream school in the heart of our nation. I can't wait to see what the next three years have in store for me.